International Relations
The Importance of International Cooperation
The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) stands for health promotion and prevention in Germany. It is also committed to the ongoing development of these topics in public health at the international level. In times of globalisation and the associated developments, effects, and challenges for health, the exchange of experience and the strengthening of international cooperation are of crucial importance. The BZgA is therefore committed to developing international standards in health education and exchanging information about concepts and measures with experienced partners worldwide.
Objectives of the BZgA's international work
- To strengthen the evidence and effectiveness of health promotion and prevention in the context of international discussions
- To cooperate in developing international standards for health promotion and prevention by combining national and international strategies
- To further promote and strengthen cooperation and networking with the EU and WHO at various levels
- To cooperate with health institutions from other countries in the scope of international committees and networks
- To maintain a continuous exchange with experts at the national and international level
- To promote and strengthen the international transfer of knowledge in the field of public health, thereby highlighting best-practice examples, identifying international (mega) trends, and further developing thematic priorities
The objectives of the BZgA's international work reflect the activities and tasks of this federal authority. This enables nationally developed expertise and health promotion and prevention concepts to become part of the international public health discourse.
The BZgA is continuously involved in thematically relevant EU-funded projects and is an active partner in various international collaborations. Furthermore, it provides advice to interested partner organisations worldwide on developing their own national prevention strategies and projects or materials for use in their countries.