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Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge transfer is an essential and central component of the Federal Centre for Health Education’s (BZgA) international work. The import and export of knowledge are equally important for this. For example, cooperation with institutions and networks in national and international contexts, the targeted exchange with experts, the implementation of projects with global partners, and participation in conferences (e.g. European Public Health Conference, Congress Armut und Gesundheit in Germany are valuable exchange formats.

The broad professional exchange of experience and knowledge promotes insights that subsequently flow into national work and contribute to innovative solutions, helping to identify examples of best practice.

Trend Scouting

Public health practice and its commitment to quality and effectiveness is subject to social (mega) trends and is therefore constantly changing. By monitoring international (mega) trends, identifying health needs at an early stage (Foresight Methodology), and deriving national action requirements for health promotion and prevention, the BZgA, as a modern departmental research institution, faces the current requirements. It develops strategies and concepts using national and international approaches, such as the WHO's "Sustainable Development Goals" and "Behavioral and Cultural Insights."

EU Joint Actions

A Joint Action (JA) is a direct grant consisting in collaborative action among Member States and associated countries participating in the EU4Health Programme, inter alia, to develop, share, refine and test tools, methods and approaches to specific health issues, and engage in capacity building in key areas of interest.The BZgA participates in topical JAs relevant to its thematic scope of work. The BZgA also continually intensifies its cooperation with other subordinate federal authorities and national institutions through its collaboration in the JAs. Such bilateral exchange provides impetus and a basis for interdisciplinary cooperation. In addition, it offers the opportunity to learn about the strategies, policies, and innovative approaches as well as examples of best practice in other European countries.


This participation tool for health-promoting urban and community development, which follows the HiAP approach, is based on the Scottish "Place Standard Tool." It was translated into German and piloted as part of the JAHEE joint action in 2019. An optional cluster, including categories on climate adaptation, was added in 2023. The BZgA’s website offers a free online tool and provides materials and training measures. The tool is regularly updated to adapt it to current and future requirements.

Technical Working Groups (TWIGs)

The Technical Working Groups (TWIGs) format was developed at the initiative of the BZgA to systematically manage the international transfer of knowledge. Under the leadership of EuroHealthNet, interested European partner institutions can work together in TWIGs on selected topics, exchange experiences and jointly develop strategies and concepts for the further development of approaches and measures. The BZgA is currently working in different TWIGs on the topics of "Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Best Practice Portals," "Healthy Living Environments," "Social Marketing to Address Addiction," and "Mental Health."


Das BIÖG hilft unter anderem bei Spiel- und Tabaksucht. Hier mehr erfahren!

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