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Sex Education and Family Planning

Germany’s Pregnancy and Family Assistance Act commissions BZgA, together with the supreme Länder authorities and the family counselling institutions of all providers, to develop concepts and to elaborate and disseminate nationally uniform measures for sex education and family planning. The details of this commission were first set out in a framework sex education concept that was coordinated with the Federal Länder.

The framework concept is based on a comprehensive definition of sexuality, according to which sexuality is an existential, basic human need and a central element of a person’s identity and personality development. Every individual associates sexuality with very different hopes, expectations and experiences, in addition to which it is embedded in a complex network of norms and values at the societal level. Sex education and family planning working on this basis is not restricted to the mere communication of knowledge relating to biological processes, such as procreation and pregnancy, but also addresses interpersonal relationships in addition to factual information. As a result, love, friendship and emotionality are likewise the subject of holistically oriented education work. The aim is to enable people to deal with sexuality in a health-oriented manner that demonstrates responsibility towards themselves and their partners.

In 1997, this task was expanded to include work in the key field of family planning. Family planning is greatly influenced by societal conditions and processes of change. Therefore, the work focuses on promoting family planning that covers not just a separate phase in life involving starting a family, but is seen as an integral element of overall life planning.

Consequently, some of the key tasks are as follows:

  • Assistance in avoiding and resolving conflict situations resulting from pregnancy by strengthening contraceptive skills in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and by providing support in the event of a wanted pregnancy,
  • Promotion of a process of constructive discussion between the woman and the man regarding the distribution of family work and employment on a partnership basis, or flexible offers of assistance for different lifestyles and family forms.
  • Information materials on sex education
  • Information materials on family planning

Internet Offerings

Information for multipliers on the subjects of sex education and family planning, including the presentation of study results, current data, and the description and presentation of media.

Website for young people on love, partnership, sexuality and contraception. Chats, a lexicon, knowledge games, FAQs, surveys, news and monthly focal topics enable young people to interactively expand their knowledge with up-to-date information.

www.schwanger-info.de / www.familienplanung.de
This is the online offering covering the topics of contraception, family planning, pregnancy and the early days with the child. Basic information, background knowledge and the latest news are provided in various channels. Comprehensive information on selected topics is offered by case reports, interviews with experts and statistical material. An extensive database with detailed information on pregnancy counselling centres throughout Germany offers advice-seekers the chance to quickly and accurately find a counselling centre in their vicinity.

The online offering provides a variety of information and guidance for under-age and young mothers-to-be and their partners.
In addition to information on financial assistance and important contact points, affected persons find answers to frequently asked questions. They are encouraged to seek help, and young expectant mothers and fathers-to-be themselves also report on their own experiences.

The project by the name of "komm auf Tour - meine Stärken, meine Zukunft" ("Get going - My strengths, my future") gives new, action-oriented impulses for supporting pupils in Classes 7/8 of secondary modern and comprehensive schools, as well as other comparable school types, in discovering their strengths and interests at an early stage. The young people are given guidance and decision-making aids for forthcoming practical training stints in companies, and learn which realisable vocational options could await them. Topics from the private sphere of life, such as friendship, sexuality and contraception, are integrated in age-appropriate fashion.

The website contains the project description, the tour dates of the current Länder projects, the project materials and results of the accompanying evaluation.

Online supplement to the print medium.
The regularly published information service provides an overview of sex education and family planning media, projects and measures. The results of the latest scientific studies and evaluations are likewise presented. This is one of the largest full-text offerings on the subject of sex education and family planning.

The offering encompasses research projects, selected studies, results, data, facts and trends from the subject areas of sex education, contraception and family planning.

Das BIÖG hilft unter anderem bei Spiel- und Tabaksucht. Hier mehr erfahren!

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