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Women’s Health and Health Promotion

Situations in life, lifestyles and health problems specific to women call for health promotion specifically for women. Although the average life expectancy of women is 6 years higher than that of men, epidemiological studies show that non-threatening, acute and chronic illnesses occur more frequently in women.

At the same time, the providers, media and measures on the "market", and also the information available in the numerous subject areas of health promotion/prevention, are highly diverse and confusing. In view of this flood of data, it is becoming more and more important to improve transparency and create access to sound, dependable information and current data.

BZgA makes an initial contribution to achieving this goal by providing its Internet offering at www.frauengesundheitsportal.de. The heart of this women’s health portal is the database, which provides a thematically structured and professionally verified pool of information on key topics of women’s health. The online referral system with numerous direct links offers a wide range of information specifically for women, in some cases with a direct download option. The subjects covered range from the scientific foundations of research into women’s health, data and statistics, all the way to references to brochures and addresses of self-help organisations.

The database already contains information on the following subject areas: alcohol, disability, exercise and sport, breast cancer, nutrition, eating disorders, women’s health research, ageing healthily, violence, HIV/AIDS, range of diseases, life expectancy, migration, osteoporosis, political strategies, mental health/illnesses, pregnancy and birth, sexually transmitted diseases, social disadvantages, stress regulation, tobacco/smoking and menopause.

The Internet offering is completed by the latest news and dates.

Internet Offerings

The women’s health portal is constantly being updated and further improved. The current focal topic is women of middle age.

www.schwanger-info.de / www.familienplanung.de
This is the online offering covering the topics of contraception, family planning, pregnancy and the early days with the child. Basic information, background knowledge and the latest news are provided in various channels. Comprehensive information on selected topics is offered by case reports, interviews with experts and statistical material. An extensive database with detailed information on pregnancy counselling centres throughout Germany offers advice-seekers the chance to quickly and accurately find a counselling centre in their vicinity.

Prenatal diagnostics and the unfulfilled wish for children
The past few years have seen rapid growth in the number of offerings in the field of reproductive medicine for people who would like to have a child or are expecting one. Offers of information and counselling are very important for the people affected, so that they can reach a decision appropriate to their personal situation.
The BZgA has compiled information on these subject areas in a database accessible online. It is primarily aimed at professionals, but also at pregnant women, parents-to-be and people who are involuntarily childless. The database contains references to brochures, counselling offers, conference documentations and continuing education offerings, as well as further media and measures.

This Internet offering is primarily an information platform for experts, giving the addresses of counselling centres, self-help groups and therapeutic institutions, prevention projects and offers of continuing education on the subject of eating disorders throughout Germany. The support and qualification of persons who play an important role in the promotion and stabilisation of health-promoting behavioural patterns is thus ensured. Affected persons additionally have the chance to directly contact anonymous telephone helplines, where they are given concrete assistance in looking for suitable therapeutic institutions.

Das BIÖG hilft unter anderem bei Spiel- und Tabaksucht. Hier mehr erfahren!

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